1. Virtual CPA for small business

    Benefits of a Virtual CPA in 2021

    A Virtual CPA was seemingly nonexistent before the pandemic, however, in the light of businesses going remote, virtual CPA's have been critical to helping small businesses.  Having sound financial data is key to making good business decisions, and a small business accountant can ensure financial st…Read More

  2. Small Business CPA: What They Can Help You Avoid

    Small Business CPA: What they Can Help You Avoid

    A small business CPA can help entrepreneurs navigate challenges. Small business owners value their business. They are on a mission to grow and make an impact in your community.  But what happens when you ignore small accounting oversights? Are you aware of the money these oversights are costing you…Read More

  3. Small Business Audits: How they Benefit Your Company

    Small Business Audits: Why Your Company Could Benefit From One.

    When business owners hear the words “audit” it usually results in two immediate responses. The first is fear that something is wrong within the organization. Did our small business do something wrong? Are we noncompliant with current laws and regulations? Are we going to have to pay a lot of mon…Read More